Monday, April 4, 2011

Old Farm House built after WWII
Where does The Umbrella Lady Live?
For those of you who are interested this is the cute little farm house I'm now living in.  It's located in Tylertown, Mississippi on 5 beautiful acres.  Only one neighbor's home can be seen from this property and he happens to be a 100years old man so it's pretty quite around here.

The original owner of the home was Mr.Joe Fortenberry. Mr.Joe passed away in the very bedroom I now call my own. 
He raised dairy cows and milked them daily in this old barn. 
The part of the barn used for milking I intend to turn into a chicken coop. I'm hoping to free range making them a much healthier choice for food.  One must start thinking about 2012 and I'm banking on chickens! I figure they'll be a great source for eggs, meat, and bartering.
The other half of the barn is used as my umbrella studio.
I just love this building it is so neat!

This old wooden bard was used for housing the cows.  Don't let the looks of it fool you.  With as many people who like to stay with me I have offered them this barn.  All they need to do is a little work and I think it would make a really neat place to stay. 

The property behind the barn was the main grazing area and is now being used for Native American ceremonies.  
I recently shared a earth healing ceremony with 5 ladies during the full moon in March. It is now time for me to share some of the teachings that have been shared with me. I have learned many things and am still learning.  With the things happening around the world I find more and more people are interested in what the old elders had to say. I'm here to share whatever I can.  It's important not to lose these teachings.

I've made several spots around the property for thought and reflection.  It is truly a beautiful piece of property.  It is a very peaceful place. 
There is a little cemetery right next to us and no laws keeping anyone from using their property for the disposal of their loved ones or self. This home serves many purposes.  A house to live in while you're alive and a place to be buried after you're dead.  Saving a lot of money being here! 

Hope you enjoyed the tour of my space.  I Feel very blessed to have had this to run to when the world seemed to be crashing in.
I send my love to all who read this blog and wish you well.



  1. Wow! You're a blogger! I'm going to write a post about you with a link to your blog and I know there are several of my followers who will LOVE your blog. I'm signing up to follow you right now, cuz. Love you!!!!!

  2. aww it looks like an awesome place! so Cute, id love to come visit!! I didnt realize you werent in mandeville any more! Love you!

  3. I found you!! Great pics of the place. I posted a link to ur blog on my facebook to help get the word out. Also would love one to document and memorialize Madison's 5th birthday!! Gonna have to see wat we can do. Luv u!!
